sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016

The Sweet taste of Victory

A few weeks ago, prophet Zephaniah (Zep 3, 14-18) encouraged us to savor the sweet taste of victory of life over death, grace over sin and light over darkness. He said:  

Shout for joy…
May you heart be filled with the divine music from heaven because He is back again, as he promised from before.

Camporredondo, Luya, Amazonas de Sur a Norte (cortesía: Wilfredo Valverde)
Be glad and exult
with all your heart…,
we are sure that dead
has being defeated.
It has not more power
over humankind,
the source of life
has given us back
true life and happiness.
It is the best time of the year for all of us.

The Lord, is in your midst, you have no further misfortune to fear.
For many of us, Lent could have been a difficult time. Maybe, we had to suffer, ourselves or our loved ones,
different kind of trials. It could have been times of confusion, doubt, or discouragement.
But now, we are sure that He, the Risen one, is in our midst
He is with us to lift us up, to encourage us, to heal us and to help us.

The Lord, your God, is in your midst,
a mighty savior;
Today has started “the third day” of our lives, brecause in our community,
His Spirit is acting and moving
in the bodies, minds and hearts of all who believe in Him and wait for his coming.

he will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in his love,
he will sing joyfully because of you, as one sings at festivals.

In Jesus, our sins have been erased, our faults forgiven, our sins absolved.
He has restored our hearts.
He brougth to us the infinite love of His Father.
He rejoices, laughs, sings and dances with us,
He makes a feast in heaven for each of us.
He encourages us every day and everywhere
He calls us to witness His love and Joy for all,
He shares His Spirit with us to keep doing good to everyone
He strenghten us so we do not have to be discouraged by anything,
He raises us up from every fall to stand upright for Justice and peace
He will help us to improve our own lives and that of our parish groups.
calls us to build His community, founded on love, respect, tolerance and mutual support.
He challenges us to feel loved and to love others in the most difficul situations

Let us be one with Him, again until eternity.

Happy Easter, dear brothers and sisters.

Diego Cabrera P. Rojas, ssc
Missionary Priest of St. Columban Society

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